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Reports generated by legal provision by obligated subjects

Description: In compliance with this section, the regulated entities must publish a list of each and every one of the reports that, according to their nature and the current regulations applicable to them, they are obliged to render before any other regulated entity; Likewise, it must be linked to the corresponding report document.
The relationship must include, at least, reports from: government; tasks or activities; in terms of transparency and protection of personal data.
The information published in this section must not be related to budget and financial programmatic reports, nor should it be related to the information published in section XXVIII (results on direct award procedures, restricted invitation and bidding of any nature.

Second quarter 2021

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

First quarter 2021

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Fourth quarter 2020

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Official Report

Third quarter 2020

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Second quarter 2020

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

First quarter 2020

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Fourth quarter 2019

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Third quarter 2019

Official Report

1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Second quarter 2019

Official Report


1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

First quarter 2019

Official Report


1.- Topics broken down by subtopic

2.- Work carried out by the Transparency Committee

3.- On activities and training campaigns carried out

4.- Actions, mechanisms and policies undertaken in favor of transparency, access to information and the protection of personal data

5.-Administrative, regulatory and operational difficulties presented in compliance with legal provisions on transparency

6.-Relevant data and additional information

Additional Information
Responsible for Information:
Transparency Unit
Update period:
Keep on the website:
Information on the current fiscal year and that corresponding to two previous fiscal years

Responsible for this publication: Secretariat of Organization, Press and Propaganda

Last update:  December 31, 2021

 Last Validation: January 26, 2022 

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