Faculties and Attributions CEN
Secretary for Medical Affairs
Source: Current Statutes
ARTICLE 65.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary for Medical Affairs:
I Fight for the establishment of adequate medical services, including medications and hospitalization.
II. Ensure that the Official Physicians, who are designated for special cases, provide prompt and effective attention to the workers and render the appropriate opinions at all times.
III. Take care that in the event of an accident or professional illness, the necessary supporting documentation is formulated to promote the respective claim, until the worker obtains the medical attention to which he is entitled, plus the payment of the pension or compensation, as the case may be.
IV. Negotiate with the competent medical authorities the establishment of medical services related to maternal and child problems and family planning, in Work Centers far from the City, for the benefit of the worker and their families.
v. Demand from the authorities of the Institute of Security and Social Services of the Workers in the Service of the State (Occupational Medicine), the full and timely reimbursement of the expenses that the successor makes, when it is denied due to negligence or lack of sufficient means, the medical care you require.
SAW. Manage the provision of portable first aid kits in the Work Centers, as well as in the vehicles used to transport all kinds of materials or Secretariat personnel.
VII. Address problems related to the practice of medicine in Social Security Institutions, promoting it conducive in view of the Federation of Labor Unions to the Service the Condition, for achieve constant training of medical and paramedical personnel, for the benefit of beneficiaries.
VII. Struggle for Human Relations courses, specifically on medical care, to be given to the personnel of the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers.
IX. Require from the respective authorities the establishment of properly equipped peripheral posts or auxiliary offices, maternity centers, etc., in all places far from population centers and where there is a number of workers who require it.
X. Require that the members of the Organization, who are ill, be properly attended to, managing their passage and the respective license, when they need to move to another place for their attention, as quickly as the case warrants.
XI. To promote before the Institute of Security and Social Services of the State Workers, that beneficiaries be provided with the provision of general prosthetic devices and glasses for all the colleagues who need them.
XII. Promote before the Institute of Security and Social Services of the workers the state and others Institutions, the realization from bells permanent prophylactic and hygienic education for the benefit of the members of the Union and their families, trying in any case, to establish preventive medicine at the national level.
XIII. Attend all local and national meetings that are held, in order to carry out studies or agreements that allow overcoming medical care and preventive medicine services, presenting, through presentations, the needs of our Organization.
XIV. Being in charge and under their responsibility, the work carried out by the managers that are required for the best attention of their obligations, ensuring that they are members of the Union.
XV. Require timely home health care for the beneficiaries who require it, as well as timely issuing of the incapacities that may arise.
XVI. Assist colleagues who travel to Mexico City to receive medical care at the local Hospital Centers, providing them with means of transportation and the necessary procedures to be hospitalized.
XVII. Formulate a semi-annual report of its management before the Secretary General, so that he formulates the Report of the Committee in view of the National Council Executive and National Congress.
XVIII.- Agree with the Secretary General, the matters of its competence.
XIX.- Other activities that may be indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.